Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jude is Here!!

Baby Jude has made his apperence. We went into the hospital Tuesday 10.09.12 to start induction. They started me on cervedil to jump start labor. That first night I had a bunch of contractions but nothing that was so painful. The next morning my Dr came in around 8am and broke my water and started the pitocin. THAT'S when the REAL contractions started. I've heard it said that Pitocin contractions are 3-4 times worse then natural labor and I would have to say WOW!!! I have no pain tolerence  and I made it to 5 cm until I could not stand the pain. Mainly because they were starting o trigger panic attacks. So I got my epidural around 2:30 pm. As for the epidural. I was so scared to get it but it was easy as pie. The hardest part was sitting still during the contractions. I will say I did not like the feeling it gave me. It does make you feel very out of control. But luckily I did have some control over my movement. So I wasn'tprogressing and around 7pm the  Dr came in and I had develped a fever. Baby was also anterior and was stuck and not dropping. We decided a C-setion was needed to prevent infection and Dr was afraid if we waited baby wasn't going to com out on his own and we would end up in an emergency C-section later.  Going into the C-setion I was freaking out. Mainly just the unknown of such a major surgery. Once I was in I did have a few moments of panic but once she showed me Jude over the curtain it all left my mind. I also love that Mission has a huge flat screen set up next to your head so that while they are sewing you up you can lay and watch everything they are doing to the baby( apgar score, daddy cutting cord ect). Once we went into the recovery room I got to sit up and hold my little man. We got to do skin on skin and feed and I've never been more in love. After about 2 hours of private time we went up to the Mother baby floor, and Jude started getting choked bad. They rushed him to the nursery and daddy followed. They brought him back in about 30 minutes and said he was fine just getting a little choked from fluid. Family came up to visit and it wouldn't stop. At one point he stoped breathing for a second and started spitting up green junk. They took him again and his PCP decided he needed to get checked out in NICU. I was in the room all night alone while Alan and him were getting settled in NICU. I wasn't able to go see him again until 5am the next morning. It was such a long night. When I finally seen my little man all hooked up it ripped my heart out. They said he had an infection( passed from me from my water being broken and why I had a fever during labor). They had started him on antibiotics, and IV and said we were looking at probably 1-2 days in NICU.They also did a GI scan to make sure no bloackage which came back good but showed he had EXTREME acid reflux. He finally stopped spitting so bad around Fri and I was able to start feeding him. He was doing so much better the Dr said we were going home Monday the 10.15.12. We got into a transition room and we were thrilled. That Sunday night though he started having bradycardia. Basiccally theyir little heartbeats drop below 70 beats a minute and sometimes they have spells of apnea( no breathing). He had 35 in the first night! Needless to say we didn't get to go home the next day. They decided that the Acid reflux was causing the bradycardia since all his other numbers( oxygen, resp ect) stayed the same. He started the Prilosec that night. He slowley started improving. Eating every 3 hours and having less and less bradys. We finally got to come home Friday. He still has Bradys every once in a while but the Dr is not concerned with a few. He said alot of babys have them and parents never know because they arent on monitors. We are still getting him an alarm that alerts us if he were to quit breathing for our own peace of mind.
              Needless to say it was a long hard week but having my little guy home makes it all worth it. I couldn't be more happy with my life!

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