Monday, April 15, 2013

what is co-sleeping

This post is not meant to be offensive to ANYONE! It is not putting down anyone else methods. It's simply explaining ours because people have questioned me about it. <3

 What is co-sleeping?

Co-sleeping essentially means sleeping in close proximity to your child. It may be in the same bed or just in the same room. Some ways of co-sleeping that different families use are:
  • Bed-sharing/Family Bed:
    Parent(s) sleep in the same bed with the child.
  • Sidecar arrangement:
    Securely attach a crib to one side of the parents’ bed, next to the mother. Three sides of the baby’s crib are left intact, but the side next to the parents’ bed is lowered or removed so that mother and baby have easy access to one another. Commercial cosleeper/sidecar cribs are also available.
  • Different beds in the same room:
    This might include having baby’s bassinet or crib within arm reach of the parents (easier at night) or just in the same room; or fixing a pallet or bed for an older child on the floor next to, or at the foot of, the parents’ bed.
  • Child welcomed into parents’ bed as needed:
    The baby/child has her own bedroom, but is welcomed into the parents’ bed at any time. In many families, children start their overnight hours in a separate bed or room, but are welcomed into the parents’ bed after a night waking.

When Jude came home we made the choice that co-sleeping/room sharing was for us. We have been told that Jude would become to reliant. I challenge that with the fact that all my little sister co-slept and have turned into wonderful self-reliant little girls. We were told that we wouldn't have a sex life. I can assure you that is not the case ;). We chose this because it fits our family. I feel better with my son right with me. We do some bed sharing for a little while at night sometimes,but Jude sleeps in his own bed directly against my side. We do not believe in the cry it out method. We hold/rock Jude to sleep everynight in the livingroom with us. Once he falls asleep if we want to hold him we do, if not we place him in a playpen in the corner of our livingroom. He sleeps there until bed when we move him to the bedroom with us. I'm not stupid. I know that won't last forever. I know eventually we may have to move him to the bedroom but we will do this when the time comes. We know people who are very strict in their bedtime ways and making sure the baby sleeps in their own room. THATS FINE! if it fits your life it's your baby and what works best for your family. We just wanted to explain to everyone who has questions or comments :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Thank you Jude

I'm blessed to have married an amazing, non-judgmental, loving, and affectionate man. Believe it or not I'm not just saying that for social media purposes lol. He has always told me I'm beautiful. I've never had a doubt that he doesn't love me the way I am but it's a different thing to really feel it. When I gave birth to Jude it was an experience like non other as all mommies know. But it was that moment I realized what beauty was. I always wrote my body off. Talked about how ugly it was ect. But Jude has changed that. My son made me love myself. He doesn't care if those pant's make me look "fat". He doesn't care how cushy my stomach is. He lays his sweet little head down on my chest and stares up with a love that cannot be replicated. When I leave a room he searches for my face. When he can't find me you can see the concern on his face. He loves his daddy, and mimi and family. But Momma is his world. I role over in the morning and there is his cute little face giving me the two tooth grin. He grabs both sides of my face and plants big sloppy lips on my cheek. He lays next to me in bed and rubs my hair or arm while I feed him. He doesn't see the chubby waist I see. He could care less about my lack of muscle tone in my arms. Surely he wouldn't care if I was 5 lbs heavier or 5 lbs lighter. I'm his mommy. For that simple fact he loves me. And because he loves me I love myself. I love this body that was able to grow this beautiful creature. I love this waist that protected my little one for 9 months. I love these arms that get to hold him everyday. I love this life that I've been given. Now don't get me wrong I know I need to and am actively trying to get in better shape. But not to be skinny, or prettier. To be healthy. To be here for Jude as long as possible. Like I said Alan has always loved me. I feel that love and I know it will always be there. But it is a completely different love then the love I see in my little boy. Between the two of them I'm sure to succeed in this amazing life.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Care Packages

So Its been on my mind for a while to start making some care packages for those down on their luck. We have alot of homeless people in Asheville. I claim to be a follower of Christ but I quickly check to make sure my doors are locked and move on by. I'm not saying I can take very homeless person home that I see. I'm also not saying you should let your guard completely down. Unfortunately that cannot be done with most anyone in today's world. It's going to be a slow start. We are a one income family but I'm praying God will provide and I know he will since he has put this heavy on my heart. I want to ask anyone though who may be able to donate anything to PLEASE contact me. The big thing will be backpacks. I think it would be the best thing to put this stuff in as it is easy to carry. If you know of something better though please let me know. Most everything can be bought at the dollar tree as far as food, water, hygiene items ect.  Clothes could be some spares laying around in your closet or even something bought at goodwill.  Some of the items I'm looking for would be as follows:

1. Food - Now, this is an obvious gift, the not so obvious part if what kind of food. Most homeless people don't have stainless steel fridge they carry along with them. Something that is in a plastic container or bag. This will keep it clean and germ free until eaten. Buy food that is ok being at room temperature for a while. This means, potato salad my not be the way to go, but a box of granola bars would be.
2. Water- Specifically bottled water is a great and affordable item you can give to a homeless person. We all need water. Sometimes you can find bottled water at the grocery store that has a strap built onto it, so you can sling it over your shoulder. This would be a very thoughtful gift for a homeless person.
3. Clothing - Specifically jackets. I recently saw a homeless man digging a jacket out of a public trash could about one block form Michigan Avenue. It was a little sad to see the differences between the tourists in town to buy the latest fashions on the Magnificent Mile and the homeless man who was digging out anything he could find just to fight off the chill in the Chicago air. Why not clean out your closet and give away those warm winter jackets that are just gathering dust in your closet? In the summer maybe just some spare t-shirts. Also some socks ect.
4. First Aid Kit - This is a simple and lightweight item that would help any homeless person. You can buy great first aid kits for rout $1 at dollar tree. This simple gift would be priceless to a homeless person. I would not go for a bulky fist aid kit because they will have to carry it around with them. Look for something small that would fit into a pocket or a bag.
5. Shaving Kit - I use shaving kit loosely. Basically any toiletries that might be handy. From handy wipes to simple tissues are all very useful.
6. Tooth brush and tooth paste - This is a simple and very affordable gift anyone can easily afford to give to a homeless person.
7. Sunglasses - This is a very simple and useful gift. Many homeless people are exposed to a variety of environmental elements. Something as simple as sunglasses can make life little easier.
8. Pre-paid food cards - At almost any fast food restaurant you can buy prepaid cards that would make a great gift for a homeless person. This would give them the opportunity to buy food, as they need it.
9. Stationary - Ok, I don't mean some stationary with fancy letterhead and their name on it. I mean what about a small bag filled with writing paper, a few pens, and even some pre stamped envelopes. You never know who a homeless person may wish they could get in contact with. Long lost family that they have been estranged from is probably a huge part of many home less people's lives.
10. Bible- I would most importantly like to include a Bible in there for them. King James Bibles can be purchased at the dollar tree for $1.

      If you see anything you have laying around and would like to donate Please message me on facebook or email me at I will come to you to pick it up if needed! If you don't have the resources to donate anything please do something even greater for me and pray. I can use that more then anything!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Christianity and circumcision

I was told when I found out I was having a boy that I must have him circumcised because it says we must in the Bible... um yes and no...We decided not to circumcise Jude and here is some information why.
Technically it WAS something that had to be done.

Genesis 17:9-14

And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.
10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.
11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.
13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.
14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant. 

But then Christ came and died for our sins. He fulfilled the covenant. 

1 Corinthians 7:18-19

18 Is any man called being circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised. Is any called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised.
19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.

The ceremony of circumcision was an important part of the Jews relationship with God. In fact before Christ came circumcision was commanded by God for all who claimed to be follow him. But after Christ's death, circumcision was no longer necessary( acts 15, Romans 4:9-11, Galatians 5:2-4, Colossians 2:11). Pleasing God and obeying him is more important then observing traditional ceremonies.

So basically it isnot right or wrong. It's your decision. My personal decision was to not to and I based it on alot of research. I especially found alot of info from Dr Sears.

Whether or Not to Circumcise

This is a decision that many parents face. There are many misconceptions and out-of-date information that parents may read. Here is a summary of the pertinent issues that you should consider when making this decision.
  1. Medical benefits - THERE ARE NONE! Do not circumcise your baby because you think there are some medical benefits. A recent review by the American Academy of Pediatrics looked at all the data from the past decades to see if there truly were any medical benefits. Their conclusion - NO. There are no significant medical benefits that make circumcision worth doing. Here are a few benefits that we used to think were true, and now know are not.
    • Cleanliness - although it is true, a circumcised penis does not collect any white stuff underneath the foreskin like an intact penis does, THIS IS NOT A MEDICAL BENEFIT. It is really just one less area to wash in the shower.  
    • Decreased risk of STD's - this was a myth that we now know is not true.  
    • Decreased risk of penile cancer - it used to be thought that circumcised men had a much lower chance of cancer of the penis. We now know that this benefit is much smaller than previously thought. The AAP determined that this benefit is so tiny, it is not worth circumcising for this reason.  
    • Avoiding infections in the foreskin - it is true, occasionally intact foreskins get irritated. This is easily treated with warms soaks and washing. Rarely, the irritated foreskin becomes infected. This requires antibiotics to clear up, but is easily treatable. Even if this does happen once or twice in a person's life, it is not a reason to circumcise at birth.  
    • Avoiding the need to do it later on - very rarely, someone has a problem with recurrent infections in the foreskin that need antibiotic treatment. Some of these men then need to be circumcised in an operating room under general anesthesia. This is extremely rare, however, and is not a reason to circumcise everyone at birth.  
    • Avoiding bladder infections - it used to thought that circumcised boys and men had a much lower chance of bladder infections. The AAP now knows that this benefit is very small, and is only true for the first few years of life. After that, there is no difference in the number of bladder infections. Again, not a reason to circumcise.  
  2. Religious reasons - some people choose to circumcise for religious or cultural reasons. This is a personal decision.  
  3. Don't want to be teased - while this may have been true in the U.S. decades ago, the truth is that your uncircumcised kids will be in good company in the locker room when they are teenagers. Less and less people in the U.S. are now circumcising their boys.  
  4. Too much trouble to take care of - some people think that an intact penis is too much trouble to pull back and clean, especially during childhood. Well, the truth is, you are not even supposed to pull back the foreskin until it naturally comes back on its own between age 3 years and adolescence. So there really isn't anything to even take care of until then.  
  5. Want your boy to look like dad - the main difference that your child will notice between him and dad is the hair. He won't even notice any difference in the penis until he is old enough that you can then explain to him the difference.  
So, what are the reasons TO circumcise? Here is the list:
Religious reasons - as discussed above.

That is all. There really is no good reason to circumcise other that personal preference and religious reasons.

Are there any reasons NOT to circumcise? Consider these:
  1. Leave nature alone - whether you believe God created men with a foreskin, or nature simply evolved this way, there must be some reason men have foreskins. Why change something that God/nature has created?  
  2. Sensation and sexual pleasure - the foreskin is filled with nerves, and is therefore extremely sensitive to touch. This enhances sexual pleasure.  
  3. Protects the glans (head) of the penis - the glans is another highly sensitive area. The foreskin protects the glans from constant rubbing and chaffing against clothing that can desensitize it over the years. This preserves sexual pleasure.  
  4. Ethical issues - there are groups of people worldwide, including medical societies, that oppose routine circumcision because they feel it is unethical for a parent to decide to alter the penis of their child without the child's consent. Parents who are deciding whether or not to circumcise their son may wish to consider the impact this may have in the future if the child decides they wish they were not circumcised.
So, when making this decision, the first thing to ask yourself is this - "Do I have any good reason to circumcise my baby?" If your answer is for religious reasons, then follow your faith. If not, and you can't think of any other significant reason other than just "because", then consider the above information as you make your decision.
 Taken from: